在遊戲開始時,鮑伯會想 個從 a 至 f 間可能重覆的字母,例如 或 ,字母是沒有順序的。然後,愛麗絲會開始猜測鮑伯的字母。愛麗絲每次會猜測 個字母,而鮑伯會回應,以 o 標示正確猜測的字母和以 x 標示錯誤猜測的字母。注意字母的順序不需考慮,猜測中的字母會被標示為正確,當且僅當該字母在鮑伯的字母中出現。
例如,如果鮑伯的字母為 和愛麗絲的猜測為 ,那鮑伯其中一個可能的回應為 ,因為其中 個字母 e 為正確猜測,而其他 個字母是不正確的。另外,鮑伯也可以回應 。
Alice and Bob play a brand-new game called \textit{hexguesser}:
At the beginning of the game, Bob thinks of possibly repeated letters from a to f, such as or , with no specific order. After that, Alice can make guesses on Bob's letters. Alice guesses letters each time and Bob will give a response, marking the letters guessed correctly as o and the letters guessed incorrectly as x. Note that the order of the letters does not matter, the guess is considered correct if that letter appears in Bob's letters.
For example, if Bob's letters are and Alice's guess is , then one of the possible responses by Bob is , since of the letter e are correct guesses, while the other letters are incorrect. Alternatively, is also a possible response by Bob.
Alice and Bob have repeated this guessing times, resulting in guess strings and response strings. These pairs of strings are numbered from . Now, other players come in. The -th player can only see the -th to the -th pair of strings.
Alice and Bob wonder how many correct letters each player can deduce with only the given information. You may assume the players are smart enough to utilize the given information.
輸入第一行含有兩個整數 和 。
接下來 行包含 對愛麗絲和鮑伯之間的猜測和回應字符串。回應字符串緊接於對應的猜測字符串。
接下來 行各含有兩個正整數 和 。
The first line of input contains two integers and .
The next lines of input consist of the guess-response pairs between Alice and Bob, with the response string immediately following its corresponding guess string.
Output lines. The -th line contains a single integer, the number of correct letters the -th player can deduce. If there are no possible strings that satisfy all guess-response pairs seen by the -th player (equivalently, the -th player can deduce that there is wrong information), output the integer .
For the first query in sample test 1, the player can only deduce that Bob's letters contain . There is insufficient information to deduce any of the other 3 letters.
For the second query in sample test 1, the player can deduce that the letters are .